Australian Self-Sufficiency, Sustainable Living, Re-cycling, New Age, Alternative Lifestyles, Permaculture
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Listed Below are the best Self-Sufficiency, Sustainable Living, Re-cycling, New Age, Alternative Lifestyles, Permaculture locations to visit in Australia.
There are various places throughout Australia which you can visit to learn about permaculture, self-sustainable lifestyles, recycling and alternative lifestyles. Various courses and tours are available. The town of Nimbin in northern NSW is known as the 'Alternative Capital of Australia'. Nimbin shows how communities working together can find innovative, sustainable solutions to living in an eco-friendly way creating a small footprint on our delicate planet. A sustainable lifestyle is living a lifestyle in a sustainable way with minimal demand on natural resources. It is living efficiently and simply, and making everything we do use go as far as possible and lasting.
Permaculture (permanent agriculture) is the design and maintenance development of productive perennial agricultural systems that which have the diversity, stability, and resilience of natural ecosystems, allowing continual sustainable harvest. You can undertake various courses, tours or visit various locations to learn about these processes.
Listed below are the best Australian Self-Sufficiency, Sustainable Living, Re-cycling, New Age, Alternative Lifestyles, Permaculture listed by location and type.
Scroll through the list and click the operator`s link to get more information.
NSW>Central West>Carcalgong
Milkwood PermacultureMilkwood Permaculture can help you gain the skills you need to live a more sustainable life. We offer a range of courses which clearly and simply explain the principles of permaculture and give you the confidence to design permanently sustainable systems which solve everyday problems with logical, positive solutions. We provide world-class courses and workshops. We also offer: Permaculture Design Services.